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Sentra EC Heavy Duty Wheelchair, Detachable Desk Arms, Elevating Leg Rests, 22" Seat
$ 510.00 $ 728.73
Sentra EC Heavy Duty Wheelchair, Detachable Desk Arms, Elevating Leg Rests, 24"Seat
$ 527.00 $ 812.81
Sentra EC Heavy Duty Wheelchair, Detachable Desk Arms, Swing away Footrests, 22" Seat
$ 493.00 $ 700.70
Sentra EC Heavy Duty Wheelchair, Detachable Desk Arms, Swing away Footrests, 24" Seat
$ 510.00 $ 784.78
Sentra EC Heavy Duty Wheelchair, Detachable Full Arms, Elevating Leg Rests, 20" Seat
$ 490.00 $ 728.73
Sentra EC Heavy Duty Wheelchair, Detachable Full Arms, Elevating Leg Rests, 24" Seat
$ 529.00 $ 812.81
Sentra EC Heavy Duty Wheelchair, Detachable Full Arms, Swing away Footrests, 20" Seat
$ 455.00 $ 700.70
Sentra EC Heavy Duty Wheelchair, Detachable Full Arms, Swing away Footrests, 22" Seat
$ 492.00 $ 700.70
Sentra Extra Heavy Duty Wheelchair, Detachable Desk Arms, Swing away Footrests, 22" Seat
$ 520.00 $ 840.84
Sentra Extra Heavy Duty Wheelchair, Detachable Desk Arms, Swing away Footrests, 24" Seat
$ 566.00 $ 980.98
Shuttle Extra-Wide Bariatric Wheelchair with Removable Desk Length Arms and Elevating Legrests, 26"
$ 830.00 $ 2,247.70