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ViscoHeel, Size 1

Fabrication Enterprises Inc.

ViscoHeel, Size 1

$ 149.00

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The ViscoHeel® provides a soft cushion for the heel and reduces shock loads on the ankle, knee, and hip with every step. The anatomically contoured wedge-shaped heel cushion provides noticeable relief for calf muscles and tendons. The viscoelastic, skin friendly material reduces shock loads and discomfort to the ankle, knee, hip and spine. This ViscoHeel® comes in size 1, which is a perfect fit for Women's shoe size 3½ - 5 or Men's 2½ - 4.

Product Specifications:

  • Dimensions: 8.75" x 2.13" x 3.25"
  • Weight: 0.56 lbs


sku: 01-3131

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